Jesse James and brother Reese
Gee and Reese
We are truly blessed. We are healthy and rich with life's treasures. But why do we always want more? We take so much for granted, we want what other people have. We say, "If I only had this, or It would be better if ...". We need to take a step back and realize that what we have is what we need. Most people have it backwards, they put themselves first, then maybe others after that, and forget about putting God any where in the mix. If you put God first, others second and put yourself third, then your life will be full of joy and fullfillment! Give thanks for what you have!
Opa and Reese
Oma and Reese
This Thanksgiving we got to spend the holidays with some of our family. Of course my mom and Bill came over, Jacob too. We also shared dinner with our friend Lisa. A nice dinner of turkey (of course), dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, gravy, cranberry sauce, corn pudding, and dinner rolls. For dessert I made a pecan pie and a sweet potato pie. Yum! Ate it for days!
Luckily Chris' mom and dad (also known as Oma and Opa) were able to drive down for a visit for the weekend. Oma is a wonderful chef! She can make anything! I have learned a lot from her. It was really nice to see them.
We do miss the rest of our family that we don't get to see that often, we can only hope to see you all soon! Happy Thanksgiving!
Lovely! So glad you had a wonderful thanksgiving and got pictures! lol I completely forgot to take pictures of us all at the dinner table.. something we've done every year! Oops. One year, I know, we'll have a Thanksgiving and Christmas to share with your family. :) I keep hoping and praying.... as long as I have hope. Right? Someday then... until then I'll be missing you guys.