Saturday, February 6, 2010

Uh-oh, look out...New hobby, it's CROCHET!

This beautiful blanket, lovingly hand made by my cousin Debbie, was my inspiration for learning this craft. Thank you Debbie, not only for the life-long gift, but also for the inspiration!

I found this cute pattern for free and made these two for my mom-in-law and my mom, or Oma and Gee. Is any one else interested in one? I can whip it up pretty quick!

For the last few months, I've been teaching myself to crochet. It is quite addicting, especially when you actually make something! I have researched on the internet, and with the help of youtube and a particular blog... I have found a new hobby, and love. Yes, I love to crochet, and Amy's blog titled, "with a tangled skein" has been my guidance.

She has created wonderfully easy patterns that even I, a novice, can create. I made all of these from Amy's blog, except the teapot cozy's. The yellow and blue pants are her "little fire" crochet longies. They are made from soft hand painted merino wool. This is my second pair of wool longies. The first pair turned out pretty nice, but the quality of wool is not as nice.

I crocheted a blanket for Jesse before he was born. Some of you know that blanket and know that it is shaped like a trapezoid! Really funny when you look at it, although it is still holding strong. We use it every day. It turned out to be more like my blanket than his! So for me to think that I could make anything complex was far fetched. I picked up my hook and with some wool yarn I bought at Michael's, I made my first diaper wrap. I thought that it would be the easiest thing for me to start with, and it was. It's not perfect, but it works, and it gave me reason to believe I could do more. Before I knew it, I had made my first pair of longies, the brown pants in the picture above. These are pants made of wool yarn and are meant to be cloth diaper covers. They are water proof, after lanolizing, and work very well. I prefer wool covers to plastic because of the breath ability and it is a natural fiber. I am currently working on a pair of woolies. It is a diaper cover made from wool yarn that looks more like underwear. Of course I had to make a size large! The mediums only go up to about 20 pounds, and my lo is 18 pounds already!

This is the crochet wrap I found on Amy's blog.
Reese obviously doesn't have a diaper on, we were trying to be discreet!

I really like making your patterns Amy, thank you for sharing! I also want to thank the ladies on the wool soaker group on yahoo, lots of knowledge!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Reese's new tooth!

So, we are starting new foods with the Reese man. Oh, and he has started teething!!!! OMG, totally forgot how difficult it can be! The first picture is Reese eating carrots, his first food, besides rice cereal. They were really sweet, I steamed them and pureed until buttery smooth. He ate them pretty well. I love the faces he makes! He crinkles his forehead and eyebrows!! so cute! He is also eating butternut squash with pears, also steamed. The one thing about this is his toots and poopy are getting really stinky!!! LOL!

Jesse LOVES his Reesey! He can't get enough of him. They get along very well, Reese smiles and laughs at his brother's funny faces.
Jesse is a very good big brother. He would like to carry him around with him! The cutest laughs come out of the both of them when they play together. It warms my heart!

Reese is starting to get his first couple of teeth. Some days are harder than others. I don't like seeing him in pain, poor baby! And he does bite hard, ouch!

Here is Reese enjoying some yummy pureed apples and pears that Mommy steamed just for him. The bottom picture is the one picture so far that you can kind of see a tooth. I have taken soooo many pictures, but that tooth is very illusive. My baby is getting bigger by the day, sigh... I am trying not to blink! Before you know it he will be walking.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A beautiful wedding...and party!

A cool desert evening in December, a beautiful sunset, a beautiful bride and a handsome groom, what more could you ask for? How about sharing it with all your family and friends!

Teresa and John planned and orchistrated a harmonius evening filled with beautiful scenery and loving people. Everything from the church ceremony to the dinner was delightful. I especially loved the part where loved ones stood up, and "spilled their gutts" in front of everone, expressing their love and congratulations to toast the bride and groom. Lots of tears were in the house! A very happy moment I am proud to have shared. Thank you to my (husband's) cousin, Teresa, for inviting us to her momemorable day! We love you, and pray for a happy long life together!

By the way, doesn't my son look handsome in his suit???